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Andrew Strauss

Efficacy of Scoliosis Care Program

Digital Motion X-ray as a Method of Proving Efficacy of Scoliosis Care Program A few weeks ago a patient asked, “Dr. Strauss, how do you know that the scoliosis therapy machines, scoliosis exercises, and spinal adjustments are actually doing what you think they are doing?”  This struck me!  Not only is it an excellent question, … Read more

Adult Idiopathic Scoliosis

Idiopathic scoliosis is the most common type of scoliosis seen in children from age 7 to early teens, the time when children grow the fastest. However, it can be seen at any age and it presents in people of all ages. Therefore, idiopathic scoliosis is divided into three subgroups according to age: Infantile (0-3 years) … Read more

Scoliosis Treatment Results

We provide concrete scoliosis treatment results for our patients. By re-examining range of motion, re-assessing lung function, taking updated posture pictures, and by using X-rays of the specific area of the scoliosis, I hold myself accountable to my patients. Scoliosis treatment results are based on all these things, along with concrete evidence of improved quality … Read more

Scoliosis Research: Asymmetrical Weight Training

Paraspinal Muscle Activity During Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Weight Training in Idiopathic Scoliosis. Schmid AB, Dyer L, Böni T, Held U, Brunner F. Department of Physiotherapy, Balgrist University Hospital, Horton Center for Patient-Oriented Research, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland. Abstract CONTEXT: Various studies report decreased muscle activation in the concavity of the curve in patients with … Read more

Scoliosis Research: Can Chiropractic Help?

Changes in Clinical and Radiographic Parameters after a Regimen of Chiropractic Manipulation Combined with Soft Tissue Therapy and Neuromuscular Rehabilitation in 7 Patients with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Woggon A*1, Martinez D2 Address: 1Director of Research, CLEAR Institute of Texas; 2618 Electronic Lane, Suite 102; Dallas, Texas 75220; 2 Independent Researcher, Mesquite, Texas. E-mail: A. Joshua … Read more

Scoliosis Research: Understanding the CLEAR Methodology

Chiropractic treatment of idiopathic scoliosis with the CLEAR Institute method: a description of the protocol A. Joshua Woggon DC, Daniel A. Martinez MA DC FACFN. Contact: [email protected] Abstract Chiropractic is a healthcare discipline that focuses upon the diagnosis and treatment of problems that affect the alignment of the muscles and bones of the body.  According … Read more