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Andrew Strauss

The Strauss Method: Non-Surgical Scoliosis Treatment

the strauss method

Scoliosis, a medical condition characterized by an abnormal curvature of the spine, can be a challenging journey for those affected. Traditional approaches often involve monitoring and, in severe cases, surgical intervention. However, there is a ray of hope for individuals seeking non-surgical alternatives. There are transformative experiences of patients who have embraced the Strauss Method, … Read more

Scoliosis: Why is the Watch and Wait Model Antiquated

Watch and Wait

The “watch and wait” model for treating mild scoliosis is outdated and ineffective. This approach involves waiting six months to see if the curve gets worse before considering treatment. This is not a proactive or effective way to approach scoliosis treatment. Instead, it is better to start treatment as soon as scoliosis is detected, while … Read more

What are the Main Causes of Scoliosis

Main Causes of Scoliosis

Scoliosis is a condition that affects the curvature of the spine, leading to a lateral or sideways deviation from the normal straight alignment of the spine. While scoliosis is a well-recognized medical condition, its exact causes remain somewhat enigmatic. Dr. Andrew Strauss explains the main causes of scoliosis, including genetic factors, environmental influences, and the … Read more

Why I dropped Scoliosis Brace In Favor of Exercise Treatment

dropped Scoliosis Brace

Scoliosis is a common spinal condition affecting millions of adolescents. One of the conventional approaches to managing scoliosis is the use of a brace, designed to halt the progression of spinal curvature. However, for many young patients, the emotional and physical challenges associated with wearing a scoliosis brace can be daunting. Read about the journey … Read more

30 Years Scoliosis Pain Relieved with 1 Week of Treatment

Scoliosis Pain Relieved

Scoliosis is a medical condition that affects millions of people worldwide, causing discomfort, pain, and sometimes even disability. This is the inspiring story of an individual who spent three decades grappling with the agony of scoliosis until they discovered a revolutionary treatment that had her scoliosis pain relieved within just one week. Scoliosis is a … Read more

Adult Scoliosis Patient Eliminates Pain & Improves Lung Function

adult scoliosis patient

A testimonial from an adult scoliosis patient with a large curve after CLEAR scoliosis treatment method. This patient did not begin to experience pain until after menopause. After which time the pain become worse. She attempted to alleviate this pain through self-instructed yoga exercises, only to find her scoliosis had progressed. After using the CLEAR … Read more

Non Surgical Care For Adults with Scoliosis

adults with scoliosis

A detailed presentation on conservative (non drug, non surgical) options for adults with scoliosis. Pain relief, postural correction, arresting progression and minimizing the disability associated with adult scoliosis. Specific Scoliosis Exercise programs are described combined with targeted stretching, active self correction and neuro muscular re-education techniques. The latest research in adults with scoliosis bracing. Both … Read more