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Andrew Strauss

Non Surgical Care For Adolescent Scoliosis

adolescent scoliosis

A detailed presentation on conservative (non drug, non surgical) options for adolescent scoliosis. Pain relief, postural correction, stopping progression and reversing the curvature and preventing the use of bracing or surgical intervention. Specific Scoliosis Exercise programs are described combined with targeted stretching, active self correction and neuro muscular re-education techniques. The latest research in scoliosis … Read more

Non-Surgical Scoliosis Treatment – The Strauss Method

non-surgical scoliosis treatment

Welcome to Strauss Method Scoliosis Correction Center in Nanuet, NY. For over forty years, Dr. Andrew Strauss has relieved the pain and improved the quality of life for thousands of scoliosis patients who sought relief without surgery. The Strauss Method is a unique combination of the most advanced research-based scoliosis treatments (scoliosis exercises and stretches, … Read more

How to Effectively Check Your Child’s Spine for Scoliosis

check your child's spine for scoliosis

An important video explaining how to check your child’s spine for scoliosis while you are taking a break from active care. Please alert your doctor if you see noticeable changes. How to Check Your Child’s Spine for Scoliosis During a break from active care, it is crucial tocheck your child’s spine for scoliosis, as this … Read more

Nutrition and Scoliosis: What to Eat and What to Avoid

nutrition and scoliosis

Does it make any sense to consider dietary recommendations for a structural problem like scoliosis? What about neurological problems or genetic predisposition? Furthermore, what effect do environmental factors have on the expression of a genetic weakness? These questions are worth exploring to better understand the relationship between nutrition and scoliosis. Recent research suggests that diet … Read more

Can you Correct Adult Scoliosis?

adult scoliosis

In this video, Dr. Strauss discusses the treatment options available for adult scoliosis, with a focus on exercise-based methods. Drawing on scientific research binders, he emphasizes the importance of managing patients’ expectations regarding the extent of correction possible, while highlighting the primary goals of treatment, such as controlling pain, preventing the progression of the curve, … Read more

Isometric & Stretching Exercises For Scoliosis

exercises for scoliosis

Core Muscles provide spinal stability and most exercises do not work core muscles. Gyms do little for your core muscles as they tend to incorporate isotonic exercises, meaning exercises done with motion. Core muscles respond to isometric exercises or those done with little or no motion. These exercises for scoliosis have been proven to be … Read more

How can Digital Motion X-ray Provide Efficacy of Care Program

digital motion x-ray

*RESEARCH VIDEO (Patients do not receive DMX as standard treatment protocol) DMX or “Digital Motion X-ray” is a type of fleuro-based X-ray coupled with digital and optic technology which allows clinicians to view the spine in real time motion. By subjecting all the therapies, exercises, and spinal manipulations to scrutiny under digital motion X-ray, Dr. … Read more

Scoliosis: A Comprehensive Overview

You or your loved one may have received a diagnosis and be wondering “What is scoliosis?” Scoliosis is not a disease like diabetes or arthritis. It is simply a term used to describe any abnormal, sideways twisted spine or backbone. In this article, we’ll help you understand what scoliosis is, how to recognize its symptoms, … Read more

Can Scoliosis Be Treated In Adults?

When people think of scoliosis they think of children and teens with crooked backs. In reality, many adults suffer from scoliosis. The popular medical approach to scoliosis treatment is to “wait and see”—to monitor the curve to see if it’s at risk for progression. By these standards the curves that are treated are those that are deemed … Read more

The Strauss Method For Scoliosis Treatment

Life-Changing Treatment Without Surgery For over thirty-nine years, Dr. Andrew Strauss has relieved the pain and improved the quality of life for thousands of scoliosis patients who sought scoliosis pain relief without surgery. The Strauss Method is a unique combination of the most advanced research-based scoliosis treatments, customized by Dr. Strauss for each patient. By … Read more

Severe Scoliosis: Nonsurgical Treatment Options

What is Severe Scoliosis?Severe Scoliosis Treatment BracingSurgeryExercise What is “Severe Scoliosis”? A scoliosis, or curvature in the spine, may be considered severe if it is greater than 40 degrees or if it has reached a size when surgery is typically recommended. For adolescents this is usually a 40-45 degree curve, for adults it is a … Read more